Friday, December 29, 2006


My parents gave me some money for my birthday. I ended up buying a ukulele. I have wanted one for some years but I could not fine that middle of the road uke between touristy piece of crap and ultra expensive koa pro model. It is not a bad ukulele, it does not have a solid top but for as much as I will play it that is OK. I have been having a lot of fun with it and I have been surprised at how you can get some pretty sounds out of it. It is more than a vaudevillian play toy. The uke I got was made in China and I wonder about that. I don't know how folks are treated in those factories. I hope well. I think if I ever buy a new one, I will get one made in Hawaii. Or go used. Used is a pretty guilt free option. I have only bought a couple of instruments new. German harmonicas, 2 US guitars and one Indonesian. The rest were all used. It would be interesting to look into how folks are treated in guitar factories around the world. Hopefully the fact that there is a lot of craft involved, will make the employees more valuable and thus treated better. Of course there is a lot of CNC and other automation in the biz these days so maybe skill workers are no longer as necessary as they were 20 years ago. Today is a wonderful time to get a cheap but really well made nice sounding guitar. I just wonder how much someone else has to suffer for it. I will have to look into this. I do not mind buying foreign goods as long as people are payed for their labor. Anyway, the ukulele is bought. I need to enjoy it and figure this out before I buy another foreign instrument.

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